Lesson 4

Dates: 2/12/2014
Linux networking
Linux for Engineering and IT Applications

Subnet Mask

  • Subnet mask defines the network and the host parts of the IP address
  • Network address = Host address (logical AND) Netmask:
             Decimal                  Binary
    Host:        11000000 10010100 00000101 00001010
    Netmask:       11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
    Network: 11000000 10010100 00000101 00000000

  • The network address is the smallest address on the network:
    11000000 10010100 00000101 00000000 =

  • The broadcast address is the largest address on the network:
    11000000 10010100 00000101 11111111 =

  • Max number of hosts on the subnet: 254 = 256 - 2
  • The gateway address should be on the same subnet with the host

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