Lesson 7

Dates: 3/5/2014
Start-up and Run Levels. Scheduled jobs (at, cron)
Linux for Engineering and IT Applications

Linux Bootup and Login Sequence

1. BIOS boot-ups; checks peripherals; finds bootable device.

2. First sector loaded into RAM and executed-- GRUB prompt appears.

3. Kernel loaded from sector list, /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.x-xx; places the appropriate initial RAM disk image, initrd, into RAM.

4. Kernel executed; unpacks.

5. Kernel initializes hardware.

6. Kernel mounts root, /, file system, say /dev/sda1.

7. Kernel executes Upstart /sbin/init as PID 1.

8. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: Upstart init executes tasks in directory /etc/init, including rc-sysinit that starts the legacy scripts in /etc/rcS.d and the default run level, /etc/rcN.d.

9. The Legacy, System V /etc/init.d/rcS runs the scripts in directory /etc/rcS.d to set the console, clean screen, and so on; then /etc/init.d/rc executes all scripts for default run level, defined in /etc/inittab.

10. init spawns getty programs on each terminal.

11. getty prompts for login.

12. getty executes /bin/login to authentic user.

13. login requests a password and validates it against /etc/passwd, or NIS maps, or LDAP (depending on PAM settings).

14. login prints the message from /etc/motd.

15. login starts a shell.

16. The shell executes the appropriate startup files (.profile for sh, ksh; .bash_profile for BASH; .cshrc and .login for csh and tcsh).

17. The shell prints a prompt and waits for input.

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