Lesson 11

Dates: 4/10/2014
Application compilation and installation on Linux
Linux for Engineering and IT Applications

Application and control files in a .deb package

  • Download package mg by using apt-get command:
    sudo apt-get install -d mg 
    Create directory PKG and extract the package files into it:
    cp /var/cache/apt/archives/mg_*.deb .
    mkdir PKG
    dpkg -x mg_*.deb PKG 
    See the directory tree of PKG
    tree PKG
  • Extract the control file from the package:
    cd PKG
    dpkg -e ../mg_*.deb
    See the content of of newly created directory DEBIAN:
    ls DEBIAN
    You should see the control file, control, md5sum and the scripts: postinst, postrm, prerm.
  • See the content of file control:
    less DEBIAN/control

  • Take me to the Course Website