Lesson 12

Date: 4/16/2014
High Performance Computing (part I)
Linux for Engineering and IT applications

MPI code compilation

  • Login to clmaster as user mpiuser.

  • Un-tar the source codes from the examples above, ex.tar, into a separate directory, MPI, as shown below:
    wget http://linuxcourse.rutgers.edu/lessons/HPC_1/download/ex.tar
    mkdir MPI 
    cp ex.tar MPI; cd MPI
    tar -xvf ex.tar 
  • The MPI code can be compiled with command mpicc
    mpicc -o ex3.x ex3.c

  • Start MPI run on 2 slots:
    mpiexec -n 4 ex3.x

  • Take me to the Course Website